About Maggie's Organics

Why Choose Maggie's Organics?
We work diligently to make sure every Maggie's product stands on its own merit...as our VP of Sales always says: "oh and by the way, it's a great pair of socks". And of course that is the main reason to spend your hard-earned money on anything you buy.
But at Maggie's, we feel there is more to it than that. When you look behind the label, there are many other great reasons to choose Maggie's.
What we really want to emphasize to you is this: it's all connected. When we pay our organic farmers a fair price, and we hang out with them and get to know their trials and tribulations...when we treat our knitters and our packagers and the guys who load our trucks, with dignity and respect...well, that is what makes a great pair of socks. It may sound crazy, but we know it to be true. There really is kinetic energy in everything...and we believe that you cannot really separate our Socks or our Leggings or our Hair Bands from the hands of the people who make them.
- Socks, Leggings, Accessories and Apparel produced using certified organic fibers and fair labor practices
- Supporting US textile workers for over 20 years
- Direct contracts and prepayments to over 2000 cooperative farmers in Nicaragua means we guarantee their profits and share their risk
- Our payments exceed fair trade pricing with no middlemen
- Support worker independence by forming cooperatives to gin our cotton and sew our products
- We know most workers at each production facility - not just the owners and bosses. We know when their kids are sick and we hear about their basketball games. We laugh with them, and we have cried with them.
- Long-term relationships with each producer within our supply chains
- Every pair of socks we have ever made has been made in the USA - over 20 years!
- Production in USA and Peru minimizes carbon footprint
- Annual Organic Certificates for every product published on our website
- Each product adheres to all USDA Organic Rule standards
- We are intimately involved with our product from the amount of spandex in the product to the finishing of each toe seam
- Every product is tested by an independent lab for verification of all label claims
- You will not see "other fibers" as an ingredient on any Maggie's product; we claim
- fiber content by name on each sock down to 1/10th of 1%
Maggie’s Organics was founded in 1992 based upon the premise that clothing and accessories should be comfortable, durable and affordable, and should be produced in such a way that respects and protects our planet’s resources and the lives of those who make the products.
Recently, a grant from the U.S. Department of State funded a study called Apparel Industry Trends: From Farm to Factory, which rated 300 apparel brands on their efforts to address child and forced labor in their supply chains, worker rights, monitoring, and traceability. Maggie’s received an “A+”, and ranked higher than any other company.